Memorial location: | | Spring Bank Cemetery, Hull, England |
Transcript: | | 'In memory of John Gravill of Kingston upon Hull, Master Mariner who during a period of 40 years was engaged in the Northern Whale and Seal Fishery. He died on board the steam whaler Diana in Davis Straits 26th December 1866 aged 64 years. His death resulted from exposure anxiety and shortness of provisions during a four months imprisonment in the ice surrounded by all the dreariness and perils of a cold and desolate Arctic winter the subsequent death of the crew from scurvy and starvation rendered the voyage one of the most disastrous and melancholy on record. This monument was erected by the subscription of the friends of Captain Gravill as a token of the esteem in which he was held as a skilful commander a kind and considerate master and an affectionate husband and father. His remains were brought home in the ship and are interred in the vault beneath' |
Memorial Details: | | |
People listed on the memorial: | | | |  | Gravill, John | Age: | 54 | | Date of death: | 25/12/1865 | | Cause of death: | Unknown/None | Rank/Occupation: | Master mariner | Organisation: | | |  | | |
Extra info: | | Notes: On reverse a reference to a Captain John Gravill died at Dundee 13 November 1882 aged 51 only son of John and Anne. On left side refers to daughter Emily. |
© National Maritime Museum Greenwich, LONDON, SE10 9NF Tel: +44 (0)20 8858 4422, Recorded Information Line +44 (0)20 8312 6565 |